Reddit dogecoin pumpa


Source: a screenshot, TikTok. Dogecoin (DOGE), the cryptocurrency that was created partly as a joke in 2013, is soaring in the market today after what seems to be push by some content creators on the video sharing app TikTok for their followers

Even though this is a Dogecoin prediction article, making a Dogecoin forecast for 2030 is a ridiculous thing to do. Daily streams covering the biggest news, movers, themes, and trades in crypto. Hit subscribe so you don't miss an episode!In today's video I cover the recent Redditanvändare pumpar upp Dogecoin med flera hundra procent Kryptovaluta Wallstreetbets 29 jan 2021, kl 12:27 De har pumpat upp värdet i Gamestop – här är deras nästa projekt. Tell me if my theory sounds unrealistic, please, about Dogecoin… There are rumors that the Chinese (and Japanese, Koreans) will buy a lot of Dogecoin when the Chinese “Year of the Dog” starts on February 16th.

Reddit dogecoin pumpa

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předtím, než pumpa skutečně začala. Jul 15, 2020 · Dogecoin (DOGE) lost over 40% from the recent peak and settled at $0.0031 by press time. The joke cryptocurrency created in 2013 by the US programmer Billy Markus “just for fun”. However, Dogecoin evolved into a popular cryptocurrency with solid communities in social media. The price of dogecoin (DOGE), the cryptocurrency created as a joke in 2013, has fallen heavily in the market over the past few days after a pump last week sent it soaring 140% in three days.

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Reddit dogecoin pumpa

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Reddit dogecoin pumpa

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Reddit dogecoin pumpa

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Reddit dogecoin pumpa

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Oct 03, 2019 · DogeCoin (DOGE) One Of The Few Coins Not Overly Dependent On The Price Of Bitcoin.

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Dogecoin (DOGE), a meme coin with no real value designed in 2016, showcased triple-digit gains in recent days. It can be attributed to TikTok as many influencers from this social network recommended their followers buy Dogecoin (DOGE) to increase its price.

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Jul 13, 2020 · A viral short video on TikTok galvanized the TikTok community and Dogecoin supporters into action and so significant were the impacts of the video that Dogecoin’s price spiked more than 40% within 24 hours from July 7 to July 8.

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2021 DOGE znovu po korekcii vystrelil o 80% a zdá sa, že trend ešte neskončil. Po tom , čo sa 28. januára dostal do popredia pozornosti vďaka 900% pumpe, Armáda investorov, poháňaná diskusnou skupinou Reddit r  /usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle/48/apps/ /usr/share/ icons/Numix-Circle/48/apps/  Na 5 Pumpa Dogecoin as fheàrr tro na h-aoisean 'togail $ 1 billean ann an airgeadan èiginn mar a bhios àrd-ùrlar a' strì ri àrdachadh malairt Reddit- connadh. 10. červenec 2020 Jde o typický příklad takzvaného pump-and-dump schématu. To se spekulanti snaží uplatňovat u méně rozšířených kryptoměn.